• 5 Signs You’re an Awesome Pet Parent

    It’s not always easy balancing a hectic work day, kids, families, and still finding time to give your pets the lovin’ they need. But as...

    It’s not always easy balancing a hectic work day, kids, families, and still finding time to give your pets the lovin’ they need. But as pet parents, you know how important the time is you spend with you pets. Whether it’s a morning kiss goodbye as you head to work or an all-out snugglefest at...
  • Pet Loss: How Do We Say Good-Bye?

    How do we say good-bye? How do we look into the trusting eyes of our companion and say “I love you? Please don’t hurt anymore.”?...

    How do we say good-bye? How do we look into the trusting eyes of our companion and say “I love you? Please don’t hurt anymore.”? How do we prepare ourselves for that day? Every person that makes the commitment to love a pet will someday have to make this decision. While it’s never an easy...
  • 5 Summer Essentials for Your Dog

    Warmer weather is finally here! It’s time to dust off your walking shoes, and your dog’s outdoor accessories, and enjoy the outdoors. Whether you take...

    Warmer weather is finally here! It’s time to dust off your walking shoes, and your dog’s outdoor accessories, and enjoy the outdoors. Whether you take your canine companion camping or just out to the dog park to socialize during the long, warm days of summer, don’t leave home without these warm-weather must-haves: Collar-or-HarnessFrom a simple...
  • People Food” over Pet Food – The Classic Canine Preference

    “My dog doesn’t really like people food.” In my 40+ years on Earth, I’ve heard this statement maybe once or twice. Why? Because 99.9999% OF...

    “My dog doesn’t really like people food.” In my 40+ years on Earth, I’ve heard this statement maybe once or twice. Why? Because 99.9999% OF DOGS ADORE PEOPLE FOOD (an unscientific, but an ultimately verifiable fact). Put a slice of pizza, a T-bone steak, a PB&J sandwich, or even a bowl of plain lettuce near...
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  • A Day in the Life: New Puppy

    I’d recently seen a blog post with a “Day in the life with a new baby,” and that made me think about a day in...

    I’d recently seen a blog post with a “Day in the life with a new baby,” and that made me think about a day in the life with a new puppy! It is quite a change. Right now my puppy is 19 weeks old. Here is a typical day: 5:15 am: Hear puppy stirring. A...
  • Is Your Dog a Tick Magnet?

    Summer has finally rolled around. For our family, this means fun in the sun, lazy days on the boat, swimming, and – of course –...

    Summer has finally rolled around. For our family, this means fun in the sun, lazy days on the boat, swimming, and – of course – ticks! But this year, we’re using a new flea and tick collar on our dogs that have saved the day and allowed us to spend more time outside with them...
  • The Dog Who Changed Everything

    I crossed the small parking lot to my tiny Chevy Sonic, feet crunching on the fresh dusting of snow that had accumulated. My car sat...

    I crossed the small parking lot to my tiny Chevy Sonic, feet crunching on the fresh dusting of snow that had accumulated. My car sat alone in the lot, cracked windshield and all. The windows were frosted over with a thin layer of ice. I was used to being the last one to leave the...
  • When Pets Pick People

    One of the things I like about working at Drs. Foster and Smith is the wide variety of animals that come to our photo studio...

    One of the things I like about working at Drs. Foster and Smith is the wide variety of animals that come to our photo studio as models for our catalogs. Many are here from our local humane society, and often an animal is adopted by an employee and goes home with a loving new owner...
  • With a Big Dog Comes a Big Responsibility

    A big dog is generally any dog that, as an adult, is over 50 lbs, and a giant dog over 100 lbs. When I was...

    A big dog is generally any dog that, as an adult, is over 50 lbs, and a giant dog over 100 lbs. When I was investigating dog breeds and decided I wanted a giant breed of dog, I saw the words, “big dog” and “responsibility” repeatedly in my readings. 16 years after I got my...
  • Is Your Dog a Good Candidate for a Dog Park?

    Whether you live in a metropolis high-rise or in a rural community, activity, and play are important to your dog’s well-being. For dogs that live...

    Whether you live in a metropolis high-rise or in a rural community, activity, and play are important to your dog’s well-being. For dogs that live in the city or don’t have a backyard of their own, the local dog park can be a great option for a bit of exercise, as well as fun interaction...
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